A total of 61 patients with haematological malignancies were randomised either to allogeneic transplantation with blood stem cells (BSC) or bone marrow (BM), of whom 37 patients gave their consent to participate in a skin biopsy trial. Skin biopsies were performed before and after transplantation. The main objective was to assess whether biopsies of normal and affected skin from patients allografted with BSC showed a different histopathological and immunohistochemical pattern as compared to biopsies taken from patients allografted with BM. In addition, we wished to clarify whether sequential skin biopsies could be of prognostic value with regard to graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). Biopsies from normal or affected skin in BSC allografted did not disclose a different pattern as compared to BM transplants. Biopsies taken before the outbreak of acute and chronic GVHD showed no substantial differences between the groups. Irrespective of the type of allograft, the immunohistochemical picture of affected skin consistent with acute GVHD was dominated by a significantly higher number of T-lymphocytes (CD8+). Biopsies from normal skin before the outbreak of GVHD had no predictive value with regard to the development of acute or chronic GVHD. Immunohistochemistry is of supplementary help in distinguishing changes caused by cytotoxic agents from those caused by acute GVHD.