A small-scale full-length library construction approach was developed to facilitate production of a mouse full-length cDNA encyclopedia representing approximately 250 enriched, normalized, and/or subtracted cDNA libraries. One library produced using this approach was a subtracted adult mouse inner ear cDNA library (sIEa). The average size of the inserts was approximately 2.5 kb, with the majority ranging from 0.5 to 7.0 kb. From this library 22,574 sequence reads were obtained from 15,958 independent clones. Sequencing and chromosomal localization established 5240 clusters, with 1302 clusters being unique and 359 representing new ESTs. Our sIEa library contributed 56.1% of the 7773 nonredundant Unigene clusters associated with the four mouse inner ear libraries in the NCBI dbEST. Based on homologous chromosomal regions between human and mouse, we identified 1018 UniGene clusters associated with the deafness locus critical regions. Of these, 59 clusters were found only in our sIEa library and represented approximately 50% of the identified critical regions.