The central cornea of 10 cadavers and 33 patients suffering from keratoconus, herpetic keratitis, Fuchs' dystrophy and pterygium were analysed focusing on the expression of TFF peptides by means of reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistry. TFF1 and TFF3 transcripts were detected in healthy corneae as well as in pterygia. Only TFF3 mRNA was transcribed in keratoconus, Fuchs' dystrophy and herpetic keratitis. Immunohistochemistry revealed absence of all three TFF peptides in healthy corneae but production of TFF3 in each of the diseased corneae. In pterygia both TFF1 and TFF3 synthesis was detectable in goblet cells. The absence of TFF peptide production in the healthy cornea indicates that TFF3 secretion is induced in different corneal diseases by yet unknown stimuli. Here TFF3 synthesis can be interpreted as a protection mechanism, because all corneal diseases analysed are characterized by progressive tissue destruction. TFF1 and TFF3 production by goblet cells in pterygia is comparable to the healthy conjunctiva suggesting that TFF peptides do not play a significant role in the pathogenesis of pterygia.