The influence of ethnicity on the outcome of simultaneous kidney-pancreas transplantation (SKPT) is controversial. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of ethnicity on the major endpoints of a prospective, multicenter, randomized trial of two dosing regimens of daclizumab compared to no-antibody induction in SKPT. A total of 297 patients were randomized into three groups: daclizumab 1 mg/kg/dose every 14 days for five doses (group I, n = 107); daclizumab 2 mg/kg/dose every 14 days for two doses (group II, n = 112), and no-antibody induction (group III, n = 78). All patients received tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil, and steroids for maintenance immunosuppression. Thirty-seven patients (12.5%) were African-American (AA) and 260 were non-African-American (NAA). Demographics and transplant characteristics were comparable between AA and NAA patients. At 1 year, no differences were seen in patient survival (97% AA, 96% NAA), kidney graft survival (94% AA, 93% NAA), and pancreas graft survival (84% AA, 85% NAA). Rejection rate and incidence of adverse events were similar between AA and NAA subjects. Kidney graft function was comparable between AA and NAA patients at 1 year; however, mean HgbA1C was higher, C-peptide was lower, and oral hypoglycemic use was more common in AA subjects. Thus, in this prospective multicenter study, AA ethnicity was not associated with an increased risk of early adverse outcomes in SKPT. Follow-up will be required to determine whether long-term outcomes remain equivalent, particularly with regard to pancreas graft function.