Although relatively little attention has been paid to the question how acute alcohol withdrawal might affect cognitive functions, this factor remains of particular interest because it influences psychotherapeutic treatment during detoxification. The clinical outcome and neuropsychological state of 37 inpatients with alcohol withdrawal was investigated in a randomized single-blind approach. Two different medical strategies [chlormethiazole (CMZ) vs. carbamazepine (CBZ)] in the treatment of inpatients with alcohol withdrawal syndrome were compared. Among comparable groups (related to gender, age, initial alcohol level, severity of abuses, severity of initial withdrawal symptoms such as tremor, perspiration, psychomotor agitation, hallucinations, orientation, intelligence, patient demographics), CBZ is just as potent as CMZ in therapy of withdrawal symptoms (circulatory function, vegetative function, psychomotor activity). Patients in both groups showed initial impairments in some neuropsychological tests (d2, Zahlen-Verbundings test, Beck Depression Inventory, Anxiety Sensitivity Index) with significant improvement during detoxification. Additionally, CBZ-treated patients showed significantly better verbal memory performance during the first days of treatment. Without any addictive potential, CBZ therapy could be very supportive in alcohol detoxification. In addition a higher verbal memory performance state could be favourable for a psychotherapeutic approach.