A system for digital flashing tomosynthesis (DFTS) consists of four electrocardiogram-gated and simultaneously flashed x-ray tubes, a 14" image intensifier, a unit for digital subtraction angiography (DSA), a personal computer-hosted transputer network for three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction as well as for quantitative coronary angiography and ventriculography, a display unit and an individual digital archive. DFTS-tomoangiograms may be presented in single slice mode or as multiple slices of arbitrary thickness, using rotating and stereographic presentation of 3D images. DFTS represents a configuration for standardized digital angiocardiography with digital archiving and assures optimal reproducibility and safety. This angiographic configuration is feasible for both ambulatory angiography to allow high volume cardiovascular angiographic screening and for the quantitative assessment of natural progression or potential regression of coronary artery disease resulting from interventional or pharmacological therapy.