A novel injection technique for high-speed gas chromatography is demonstrated. Synchronized dual-valve injection is shown to provide peak widths as low as 1.5 ms (width at half-height) for an unretained analyte. This was achieved using a 0.5-m DB-5 column with an internal diameter of 100 microm and a film thickness of 0.4 microm operated at a temperature of 150 degrees C with a column absolute head pressure of 85 psi, resulting in a dead time of only t(o) = 26 ms ( approximately 1900 cm/s, 26 mL/min). Using the DB-5 column in a 1-m length under the same instrumental parameters, with a resulting linear flow velocity of 935 cm/s (12.7 mL/min, t(o) = 117 ms), a minimum peak width of 3.3 ms was obtained. During an isothermal separation, 10 analytes were separated in a time window of 400 ms. A rigorous comparison of experimental and theoretical band-broadening data based on the Golay equation showed that band broadening is limited almost entirely by the chromatographic band broadening terms expressed by the Golay equation and not by extra column band broadening due to the injection process. Synchronized dual-valve injection offers a rugged and inexpensive design, providing extremely reproducible injections with peak height precision of 2.4% (RSD) and low run-to-run variation in retention times, with an average standard deviation less than 0.1 ms. Herein, synchronized dual-valve injection is demonstrated as a proof of principle using high-speed diaphragm valves. It is foreseen that the injection technique could be readily implemented using a combination of thermal modulation and high-speed valve hardware, thus optimizing the mass transfer and not significantly sacrificing the limit of detection performance for high-speed GC. Further implications are that, if properly implemented, high-speed temperature programming coupled with this new technology should lead to very large peak capacities for approximately 1-s separations.