Objective: To describe the use of buccal mucosa as a urethral graft for reversal of perineal urethrostomy (PU) in a castrated male goat.
Study design: Clinical case report.
Sample population: One client-owned castrated male goat.
Results: An 8-month-old Pygmy cross wether was admitted for urolithiasis and PU stricture. After repeated unsuccessful attempts at urethrostomy reversal and urethral reconstruction, a buccal mucosal graft was used for urethroplasty. Buccal mucosa proved to be an excellent graft for urethral repair. Normal urination has occurred through the reconstructed region for at least 24 months.
Conclusions: Buccal mucosa worked well as a graft for urethroplasty and PU reversal.
Clinical relevance: Grafting with buccal mucosa may also prove useful in other urethral repair techniques in small ruminants.