Fast spin-echo (SE) T2-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) imaging provides images with highly T2-weighted contrast in substantially reduced imaging times. In a prospective evaluation, fast SE T2-weighted imaging of the pelvis was compared with conventional SE T2-weighted imaging in 30 consecutive patients in whom pelvic pathologic conditions were suspected. Three reviewers independently analyzed the images for (a) overall image quality, (b) pelvic organ definition, (c) conspicuity of pelvic fluid, and (d) conspicuity of pelvic pathologic conditions. Fast SE images were rated superior to conventional SE T2-weighted images in 60% (54 of 90) of the case reviews for overall image quality, in 69% (62 of 90) for pelvic organ definition, in 63% (57 of 90) for conspicuity of pelvic fluid, and in 68% (43 of 63) for conspicuity of pelvic pathologic conditions. The fast SE examinations were typically three to four times faster than conventional SE T2-weighted examinations. No pathologic findings seen on conventional SE T2-weighted images were undetected on fast SE images. Fast SE images may replace conventional SE T2-weighted images in MR imaging of the pelvis.