Objective: Are serum concentrations of the ovarian glycoproteins inhibin A, inhibin B, pro-alpha-C and activin A different in normotensive, chronical hypertensive or pregancies complicated by preeclampsia or HELLP-syndrome? What are the clinical consequences?
Methods: Serum concentrations of inhibin A, inhibin B, pro-alpha-C, and activin A of 99 women (37 normotensive patients, 23 patients with chronical hypertension, 25 women with preeclampsia and 14 patients with HELLP-syndrome) at different stages of pregnancy were determined by high specific ELISAS.
Results: During pregnancy serum levels of all parameters increased continually and fell rapidly within parturition. Activin A and inhibin B levels showed significant higher serum concentrations in patients with preeclampsia and - even more pronounced - in patients with HELLP-syndrome. Normotensive and chronically hypertensive patients were not different.
Conclusion: Activin A and inhibin A appear to be viable candidates as laboratory parameters for detection of pregnancy induced hypertension. Maybe furthermore both parameters will allow the discrimination between chronic hypertension and hypertension induced by pregnancy.