We perform laser ablation of lung metastases for four years. In the following we report on technical success, ablation results and follow-up. 30 patients with a total of 42 lung metastases were treated. Patients were aged between 42 and 74 years. Primary tumors were mostly colorectal carcinomas, head and neck and uro-genital tumors. Technical success was achieved in 40, complete ablation in 14 metastases (33%); however, in 8 metastases follow-up was too short for a valid evaluation (4-8 weeks). Further analysis may improve the overall results: metastases located in the central parts of the lungs were more easily treated than those located peripherally, best results were achieved in metastases not larger than 3 cm, percutaneous ablation of lung metastases has potential as an additional therapeutic option if surgery is not possible.