This paper describes the results of non-destructive investigations by indirect neutron radiography methods obtained at the facility NEUTRA [Nondestruct. Testing Eval. 16 (2000b) 203], spallation neutron source SINQ [Operating experience and development projects at SINQ, PSI Report 98-04, ISSN 1019-0643]. Target rods from the second SINQ metal target were removed after 6 Ah of proton beam exposure and studied under well-shielded conditions. No real damage was found at one of the 11 observed rods and one tube. However, hydrogen accumulation could be identified inside the zircaloy rods and the steel rods as well. Whereas the hydrogen has a homogenous distribution in Zr (with the peak value near the centre of the applied beam), the steel samples show clusters of hydrogen near the edge of the Zr cladding. Lead (in steel cladding) was found modified by accumulations of spallation products, mainly mercury. In the radiography images, a depression of the neutron field was observed due to the absorption by mercury. The applied method with Dy and In as neutron converters and imaging plates [Nucl. Instrum. Methods 377 (1996) 119] as secondary detectors seems to be optimal for such kind of investigations, especially when quantitative considerations have to be made.