Phenotypes produced by expression of human amyloid precursor protein (APP) transgenes vary depending on the genetic background of the mouse. FVB/N mice overexpressing human APP695 develop a central nervous system disorder and die prematurely, precluding development of Abeta peptide amyloid plaques. 129S6 mice are resistant to the lethal effects of APP overexpression, allowing sufficient levels of Abeta expression for the development of amyloid plaques and age-dependent memory deficits. To identify the genes that determine susceptibility or resistance to APP we analyzed crosses involving FVB/NCr and 129S6.Tg2576 mice that overexpress 'Swedish' mutant (K670N, M671L) APP695. APP transgene-positive FVB129S6F1 (F1) mice are resistant to the lethal effects of APP overexpression, so FVBxF1 backcross and F2 intercross offspring were produced. Analysis of age of death as a quantitative trait revealed significant linkage to loci on proximal chromosome 14 and on chromosome 9; 129S6 alleles protect against the lethal effects of APP. Within the chromosome 14 interval are segments homologous to regions on human chromosome 10 that have been linked to late onset Alzheimer's disease or to levels of Abeta peptide in plasma. However, analysis of plasma Abeta peptide concentrations at 6 weeks in backcross offspring produced no significant linkage. Similarly, elevation of human Abeta peptide concentrations by expression of mutant presenilin transgenes did not increase the proportion of mice dying prematurely, suggesting that early death reflects effects of APP or fragments other than Abeta.