We assessed the presence of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) complexed with IgM (AFP-IgM IC) in serum of patients affected by hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis as well as in healthy subjects by means of a dedicated ELISA assay. The amount of AFP-IgM IC was expressed in arbitrary units (AU) on a reference standard curve. Free AFP (FAFP) levels were determined in parallel in each sample by means of an automated immunoassay system. The mean serum concentration of AFP-IgM IC was significantly higher in HCC patients (mean +/- SD: 1378.3 +/- 2935.7 AU/mL) than in cirrhotic patients (129.8 +/- 261.4 AU/mL) and in patients with chronic hepatitis (80.9 +/- 168.9 AU/mL) (p < 0.01). HCC patients had FAFP values above the 20 ng/mL cutoff in 44% of cases (22/50) and AFP-IgM IC values above the 120 AU/mL cutoff in 60% of cases (30/50). The occurrence of the free and IgM-complexed form of circulating AFP did not overlap, and 82% of patients (41/50) were positive for at least one marker. The results indicate that AFP-IgM IC is a complementary serological marker to FAFP and that the combination of these biomarkers may be useful in the diagnosis of liver cancer.