Motivation: For the purpose of identifying evolutionary reticulation events in flowering plants, we determine a large number of paired, conserved DNA oligomers that may be used as primers to amplify orthologous DNA regions using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
Results: We develop an initial candidate set by comparing the Arabidopsis and rice genomes using MoBIoS (Molecular Biological Information System). MoBIoS is a metric-space database management system targeting life science data. Through the use of metric-space indexing techniques, two genomes can be compared in O(mlog n), where m and n are the lengths of the genomes, versus O(mn) for BLAST-based analysis. The filtering of low-complexity regions may also be accomplished by directly assessing the uniqueness of the region. We describe mSQL, a SQL extension being developed for MoBIoS that encapsulates the algorithmic details in a common database programming language, shielding end-users from esoteric programming.
Availability: Available upon request from authors.