Purpose: To reduce venous contamination at the calf level in three-dimensional contrast-enhanced MR angiography (CE-MRA) by applying continuous infragenual cuff-compression.
Materials and methods: Ten patients with clinically relevant peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD) underwent dynamic three-dimensional CE-MRA of the calf. Six consecutive measurements were acquired with the first measurement serving as mask. Cuff-compression of 50 mmHg was attached below the knee. To allow intra-individual comparison, compression was applied unilaterally. The cuff was inflated three minutes before scanning and was continued throughout the MRA session. Venous contamination and arterial visualization scores were ranked using a five-point rating scale. Contrast-to-noise ratios (CNRs) of superficial enhancing calf-veins on the uncompressed and compressed calf sides were evaluated. An asymmetry index (AI) defined by CNR(mean) (uncompressed)/CNR(mean) (compressed) was introduced to describe the ratio in venous contrast agent supply between both sides quantitatively.
Results: Three-dimensional CE-MRA of the calves demonstrated significantly lower superficial venous contamination scores (P < 0.004) and clearly improved arterial visualization (P < 0.009) on the compressed side. Additionally, AI values were larger than 1 (P < 0.02), indicating a higher contrast agent supply in the superficial veins on the uncompressed side.
Conclusion: Infragenual cuff-compression minimizes venous overlay in three-dimensional CE-MRA at calf level by reduction of contrast agent supply in the superficial veins.
Copyright 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.