Recent advancements in mass spectrometry, especially the development of electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (ESI/LC/MS2) and matrix-assisted laser desorption time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI/TOF), have greatly facilitated analysis of complex biomolecules. It has now become possible to profile, in relatively short periods of time, large multicomponent groups of compounds biosynthesized by biological systems. The efficiency and accuracy of analysis have led to the development of new concepts of mass spectrometric profiling, mapping, and imaging. Profiling of proteins in biological material (proteomics) has become a widely accepted strategy for identification of mechanisms involved in the biochemistry of disease processes, and has become a novel tool for unraveling new drug targets. Evolution of proteomics has relied on ESI/LC/MS2 and MALDI/TOF, techniques that are also useful in the novel area of quantitative proteomics.