Common lymphatic endothelial and vascular endothelial receptor-1 (CLEVER-1; also known as stabilin-1 or FEEL-1) is a large multifunctional glycoprotein implicated in scavenging, angiogenesis, and cell adhesion. Here we studied the function of human CLEVER-1 in leukocyte trafficking. Lymphatic vessels expressed CLEVER-1 constitutively in skin in vivo, whereas on vascular endothelium it appeared only upon inflammation. On isolated vascular endothelial cells, CLEVER-1 supported rolling and transmigration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) under physiologically relevant laminar shear stress. Intriguingly, CLEVER-1 also mediated transmigration of leukocytes through cultured lymphatic endothelium under static conditions. Thus, synthesis of CLEVER-1 is differentially regulated on the 2 anatomically distinct vascular beds, and CLEVER-1 mediates the transmigration step of the leukocyte traffic in both of them. Notably, CLEVER-1 is the first adhesion molecule shown to be involved in the PBMC transmigration through the lymphatic arm of the immune system.