In this experimental study on small animals (Wister rats) performed evaluation of local protective methods--latex prosthesis and fibrine adhesives--on colon anastomosis healing--prevention of dehiscency. Ninety experimental animals in whom segmental left colon resection was done, were divided into three groups of 30 animals. In the control group after segmental resection termino-terminal anastomosis with single-layer continuous suture was performed. In the second and third group with the same animals, anastomosis protection was performed with endoluminal latex prosthesis and extraluminal application of fibrine adhesives. In the postoperative course where the animals were monitored for 21 days in the control group, 3 (10%) died of acute diffuse peritonitis the cause of which was anastomosis dehiscency, in the latex prosthesis 2 animals (6.6%) died, while in the extraluminally applied fibrine glue group all animals survived. The results of this experiment demonstrate that local protective measures for colon anastomoses may produce better results, with fibrine adhesive administration as the best modality.