The paper presents rare micronudular lesions found at US and CT in a 54-year-old patient with the stage 2 pulmonary sarcoidosis. The lesions were in the form of numerous nodules, 5-15mm in diameter, quite uniformly distributed in the parenchyma of the enlarged spleen. On the Us examination, the focus echogeneity was reduced, likewise on CT, in which the density at postcontrast scanning was found to be about 30H.U. However, no enlarged lymph nodes of the abdominal cavity and hepatic lesions, which often accompany nodular sarcoidosis of the spleen were detected. During steroid therapy, the condition of the patient improved, the pulmonary lesions subsided and the number and size of splenic foci gradually decreased. The case was compared to the available literature data concerning this uncommon form of sarcoidosis.