The aim of this study was to assess the attitudes and intentions of individuals planning a pregnancy with regard to preconceptional cystic fibrosis (CF) carrier screening and to determine factors associated with a positive and negative/neutral intention to have the test. A survey, based on a questionnaire, was conducted among a stratified random sample of 303 recently married couples (606 individuals). Of the eligible individuals, 70% (n = 380) participated. Of the respondents, 73% had a positive attitude toward a routine offer of preconceptional CF carrier screening, and 56% had the intention to participate in a screening program. A positive intention to have the test was associated with high perceived anticipation of regret, intended preconceptional behavior, high perceived pressure from experts, high perceived consequences of the test results, low perceived barriers, and low perceived negative consequences for family members. These results suggest that the offer of routine preconceptional CF carrier screening would lead to substantial acceptance among couples planning a pregnancy. Several variables related with intention were identified.