Two types of ion implanted miniature p-i-n diodes were tested in a d(48.5) + Be fast-neutron beam produced in the Detroit superconducting cyclotron. The increase in forward voltage drop caused by neutron-induced damage was correlated with neutron dose measured in a water phantom. The neutron and gamma dose components were predetermined using twin detector (Tissue-equivalent ion chamber paired with miniature Geiger-Müller counter) method. The increase in the voltage drop for 1 mA injection current was monitored together with the cyclotron beam target current, thus the differential voltage drop could be defined precisely for given radiation dose. The average neutron sensitivities of tested diodes were 1.284 +/- 0.014 and 0.528 +/- 0.058 mV per cGy. The miniature detectors can be utilised in characterisation of small radiation fields and in the regions of high dose gradient as well as for in vivo dosimetry of the patients undergoing fast-neutron therapy.