Bovine tuberculosis (TB) is still a zoonotic problem in the world. Despite the fact that eradication programs for bovine TB are being implemented in many countries, it remains a public health problem. These programs are mainly based on a single intradermal tuberculin test using bovine tuberculin purified protein derivative (PPD), isolation, and slaughtering of infected animals. The aim of this study was to assess the specificity of the gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) test in TB-free cattle herds, by using not only Australian tuberculins but also tuberculins produced at our institute, and to correlate the response with the type of production (beef cattle, dairy cattle, and a dual-purpose breed), the housing system, and the age of the animals. We studied 800 animals selected from 20 TB- and paratuberculosis-free herds. The animals were tested in parallel, after stimulation with Australian tuberculins and tuberculins produced at our institute, by using the skin test and two IFN-gamma assays. The results of this trial showed that the specificity of the IFN-gamma test is higher than that of the skin test (96.8%) and ranges from 97.3% (using only Australian tuberculins) to 98.6% (using tuberculins produced at our institute). We found that different categories of cattle could influence the specificity of the skin test but that these differences tended to be reduced in the IFN-gamma assay, especially when Italian PPDs were used.