Background: Application of clopidogrel before diagnostic or therapeutical percutaneous coronary interventions has become standard for stent-thrombosis prevention. The irreversible platelet inhibition causes increasing bleeding complications if urgent coronary artery bypass grafting becomes necessary. This study evaluates the effect on bleeding complications of clopidogrel in urgent CABG using bilateral internal thoracic artery (ITA) and saphenous veins in all patients.
Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 166 patients (operated between 1/00-12/02) with urgent or emergency CABG, using both ITAs and compared 83 patients with previous (within 5 days) clopidogrel and aspirin application to 83 patients without clopidogrel. We evaluated chest tube output, reexploration rate and necessity of blood products, ventilation time and ICU stay.
Results: Both groups were comparable with age, gender, number of performed anastomoses (mean 4/ patient). Chest tube output (24 h) was higher in the clopidogrel group (935 +/- 599 ml vs 754 +/- 335 ml (p = 0.018)), as well as reexploration rate with 7.2% (6 of 83) vs 0% (0 of 83) (p < 0.001). Number of blood products in the clopidogrel group for red cells was 2.41 +/- 1.88 U vs 1.84 +/- 1.47 U p = 0.03, for plateletes 0.43 +/- 0.88 U vs 0.024 +/- 0.22 p = 0.0001, for fresh frozen plasma 0.41 +/- 1.14 U vs 0.096 +/- 0.59 U p = 0.029. Mechanical ventilation time was 11.35 +/- 8.77 h vs 10.57 +/- 9.12 h p = 0.51, ICU stay 32.1 +/- 21.8 h vs. 29.8 +/- 21.1 h (p = 0.48).
Conclusions: Previous application of clopidogrel in combination with aspirin before urgent CABG induces increased chest tube output, reexploration rate and necessity of blood products, especially of plateletes. Nevertheless, routine use of both ITAs in patients after clopidogrel exposure can be performed with acceptable bleeding complications.