Intercellular interactions are studied using different co-culture systems. Tumor conditioned medium-based systems, filter inserts and direct contact co-culture systems are often used according to research needs. In this article we present a new co-culture technique, using negatively-charged slides (NCS) as the culture surface. The technique was developed on a human-derived endothelial cell line-breast cancer interaction model. Two variations of this model are presented: In the first variation co-culture is achieved by using one NCS and a standard tissue culture treated dish as growing surfaces for the two cell populations respectively, while in the second variation the two cell populations are grown on two NCS. No significant difference was found between cell culture on the NCS compared to regular culture plasticware and staining was not only successfully but also easily performed. The suggested co-culture model has the advantage of allowing real time studies regarding cellular interactions. Additionally the two cell populations can be independently studied. Morphology is maintained throughout the procedure allowing morphological observation. Moreover, low cost is a factor permitting the application of the suggested model even in low budget laboratories. The features of the co-culture model that we developed are presented in relation to the salient features of other models.