The present work analyzes the hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPC) in myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) patients using both an immunophenotypical and a functional approaches in order to know whether they are similar in patients with or without cytogenetic abnormalities. Among CD34+ HPC, the proportion of myeloid committed progenitors was higher in patients with an abnormal karyotype. Ninety MDS patients were studied. Patients with abnormal karyotype showed a similar platting efficiency than patients with normal cytogenetics. Trisomy 8 and 5q- showed a significant higher P.E. than patients with normal karyotype or monosomy 7. We observed that when the most immature HPC were studied, the total number of granulo-monocytic colonies produced by LTBMC was higher in the normal karyotype group. In summary, the present study shows that in MDS the HPC are impaired; this impairment is deeper in patients with abnormal karyotype.