Nicotinic cholinergic receptor proteins purified from rat brain by immunoaffinity chromatography were characterized using the anti-S3 polyclonal antibody vs. the anti-idiotypic monoclonal antibody 422F11 (generated against an antibody to nicotine). Anti-S3 IgG was purified to homogeneity; anti-S3-Sepharose 4B and 422F11-Sepharose 4B each depleted 3H-nicotine binding sites from brain. Nicotinic receptors isolated from both immunoaffinity columns showed major bands (silver-stained) at 55K and 70K. Using anti-S3 serum as probe, Western blots of nicotinic receptors isolated by the two immunoaffinity gels also showed major bands at 55 and 70K. However, Western blots of fresh brain extracts revealed a major band at 80K and minor bands at 55K and 70K. These results show similar nicotinic cholinergic receptor proteins isolated by the anti-S3 and 422F11 anti-idiotypic antibodies; 80K was dominant only when fresh brain extract was subjected to Western blotting without prior immunoaffinity purification.