Eight cases with Ph1 positive acute leukemia (7 of acute lymphocytic leukemia: ALL, and one of acute myelocytic leukemia: AML) were studied molecular biologically to identify location of breakpoints on BCR gene in each patient. Six of the 8 patients (5 of ALL and 1 of AML) had rearrangements at bcr (M-BCR) region. Their locations of the breakpoint in M-BCR were similar to those of 59 chronic myelocytic leukemia patients. One of the remaining two patients had gene rearrangements at m-BCR-1 region in BCR intron 1, and the last patient did not have gene rearrangements at any site of m-BCR-1 and IgL C lambda region. Two cases had gene deletion at either 3' or 5' side of the bcr. A patient with bcr rearrangement was also analyzed by PCR method with reverse transcriptase (RT-PCR) and had simultaneous expressions of bcr3-abl and bcr2-abl chimeric mRNAs. These results indicate that Ph1 positive acute leukemia have heterogeneous characteristics in terms of the molecular biology. The molecular analysis will help for classifying the leukemic types and for elucidating the pathogenesis in Ph1 positive acute leukemia.