We investigated the effects of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and corticosterone (CORT) on foraging and locomotion in Western spadefoot toad (Spea hammondii) tadpoles and juveniles to assess the behavioral functions of these hormones throughout development. We administered intracerebroventricular injections of ovine CRF or CRF receptor antagonist alphahelical CRF((9-41)) to tadpoles and juveniles, and observed behavior within 1.5 h after injection. In both premetamorphic (Gosner stage 33) and prometamorphic (Gosner stages 35-37) tadpoles, CRF injections increased locomotion and decreased foraging. Injections of alphahelical CRF((9-41)) reduced locomotion but did not affect foraging in premetamorphic tadpoles, but dramatically increased foraging in prometamorphic tadpoles compared to both placebo and uninjected controls. Similarly, alphahelical CRF((9-41)) injections stimulated food intake and prey-catching behavior in juveniles. These results suggest that in later-staged amphibians, endogenous CRF secretion modulates feeding by exerting a suppressive effect on appetite. By contrast to the inhibitory effect of CRF, 3-h exposure to CORT (500 nM added to the aquarium water) stimulated foraging in prometamorphic tadpoles. These tadpoles also exhibited a CORT-mediated increase in foraging 6 h after CRF injection, which was associated with elevated whole-body CORT content and blocked by glucocorticoid receptor (GR) antagonist (RU486) injections. Thus, exogenous CRF influences locomotion and foraging in both pre- and prometamorphic tadpoles, but endogenous CRF secretion in relatively unstressed animals does not affect foraging until prometamorphic stages. Furthermore, the opposing actions of CRF and CORT on foraging suggest that they are important regulators of energy balance and food intake in amphibians throughout development.