Peripubertal male Wistar rats were submitted to a calorie restriction diet enriched in proteins and low in fat and carbohydrates for 4 weeks, and starting on day 35 of life. Mitogenic responses, lymphocyte subset populations, interferon (IFN)- gamma release and amino acid content were determined in submaxillary lymph nodes at six time intervals during the 24-h span. The diet employed completely arrested growth in growing rats. After caloric restriction, mean values of Con A response, lymph node T and CD4+ cell number and CD4+/CD8+ ratio augmented, whereas those of B cell number, IFN-gamma release and glutamine and glutamate concentration decreased. Calorie restriction modified 24-h rhythmicity of lymph node mitogenic responses to Con A and LPS, and of T, T-B, CD4+ and CD4+ -CD8+ lymph node cell subsets. It also changed the 24-h pattern of lymph node IFN-gamma release and glutamine, aspartate, glutamate and taurine lymph node content. Availability of nutrients presumably affects the mechanisms that modulate the circadian variation of immune responsiveness in growing rats.