Background: The aims of this study were to determine the long-term outcomes of cryotherapy in patients with hepatic malignancies and to describe prognostic factors that may affect survival.
Methods: Ninety-eight patients (56 colorectal metastases, 28 noncolorectal metastases, 14 hepatocellular carcinomas) undergoing hepatic cryosurgery were identified in a retrospective review from January 1994 to December 2002.
Results: Overall survival rates at 1-, 2-, 3-, and 5- years were 81%, 62%, 48%, and 28%, respectively(median survival, 33 months) compared to a hepatic recurrence-free survival of 76%, 42%, 24%, and 16%, respectively (median hepatic recurrence-free survival, 20 months). Median follow-up was 54 months. Three hundred lesions were cryoablated; the recurrence per cryolesion was 5%. Major complications were the lone factor that significantly reduced overall (P=.0005) and hepatic recurrence-free survival (P=.0005). The number of lesions (TNL) and total estimated area (TEA) cryoablated did not significantly affect overall or hepatic recurrence-free survival. Additionally, outcomes depending on tumor type were not significantly different.
Conclusions: Cryotherapy is an important option for a wide range of unresectable malignant hepatic tumors and provides the potential for long-term survival. Patients with major complications at the time of cryotherapy suffer a decreased overall and hepatic recurrence-free survival.