Objective: To investigate subunit type of voltage-dependent calcium channels in the spiral ganglion cells of the mouse.
Methods: The spiral ganglion cells were dissected from cochleae of neonatal mice and cultured for 24 h. Total RNA was extracted from cultured spiral ganglion cells. After reverse transcription, resulting cDNA was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with primers targeted to nucleotide sequences corresponding to 7 different calcium channel subunits. The types of calcium channel subunits were identified by PCR analysis and nucleotide sequencing.
Results: Reverse transcription (RT)-PCR products representing subunit gene expression were strongly and consistently amplified for alpha1 D, alpha1 E, alpha2/delta, beta1 and beta3. Nucleotide sequencing confirmed the identity of mouse cochlear subunit cDNAs.
Conclusions: alpha1D, alpha1E, alpha2/delta, beta1 and beta3 subunits are expressed in spiral ganglion cells. And the coexpression of alpha1D and alpha1 E demonstrate the presence of L-type and R-type calcium channels in mammalian spiral ganglion cells.