We studied with quantitative techniques the clinical efficacy of indium-111 antimyosin at a later stage of myocardial infarction in 18 patients at various stages after infarction. Antimyosin accumulation was detected irrespective of infarct age and size and quantified as an infarct weight with a tomographic technique. Higher intensities in a planar image were observed in anterior Q wave infarct group (36 +/- 5 g) but not in inferior and non-Q wave anterior infarct groups because of the smaller infarct weights (8 +/- 3 g, 13 +/- 6 g, respectively). Infarct area calculated from thallium-201 tomography significantly correlated with left ventricular ejection fraction in both recent (less than 2 weeks) and older (2-week- to 6-month-old) infarct groups (r = -0.969, P less than 0.001; r = -0.860, P less than 0.001, respectively), whereas there was a significant negative correlation between infarct weight and left ventricular ejection fraction in the recent infarct group (r = -0.731, P less than 0.05) but not in the older infarct group. Thus, antimyosin tomography can detect myocardial necrosis with a high sensitivity regardless of infarct age, size, and location. However, the accumulation might be affected by infarct age and correspond to necrotic mass but not necessarily to infarct volume itself at a later stage probably because of the presence of necrosed and scarred tissues in infarcted myocardium.