A novel measuring set-up based on a hexapod system for use in dental biomechanics is described. It was specially developed to measure force/deflection characteristics of different dental materials and devices. The functionability and suitability of the system for use in experimental biomechanics were investigated in two different studies. In a first study the micro mobility of prosthetic telescopic crowns prior to and after simulated wear was determined to investigate the influence of wear processes on the stability of the anchorage elements and thus of prostheses. This study investigated the ability of the setup to load a specimen with high forces or torques of up to 100 Newton. The second study looked at the force/deflection characteristics of orthodontic anchorage pins used in orthodontics to additionally stabilize the anchorage unit, for example during molar movement. In this study specimens were loaded with small forces of less than 10 Newton, as are typically used in orthodontics. Using the setup, the deflection behaviour of these devices under high and low loading was measured at a resolution of approximately one micrometer or one angular second.