A 58-year-old Black female from Curaçao (West Indies) was recently referred to our Laboratory for a persistent microcytic hypochromic anemia. An analysis 13 years earlier had shown no abnormal hemoglobin (Hb) fractions and a balanced beta/alpha synthetic ratio. The hematological indices were again compatible with thalassemia and no abnormal fractions were observed on electrophoresis or high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). None of the seven common alpha-thalassemia (thal) deletion defects were present. Direct sequencing of the alpha2 gene revealed a CTG-->CGG single base substitution at codon 109. This mutation was previously described in a Thai patient (Hb Suan-Dok), inducing Hb H disease in association with a - -(SEA) allele. In contrast with earlier reports we were unable to identify any native Hb fraction. The balanced beta/alpha ratio indicated that alpha2-Suan-Dok is formed but does not form tetramer formation unless alpha-thal is present.