In order to better understand the enzootiology of trypanosomiasis caused by Trypanosoma evansi in the Brazilian Pantanal we examined domestic and wild mammals by microhematocrit centrifuge technique (MHCT), immunofluorescence antibody test (IFAT) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). T. evansi infection was detected in all species sampled with exception of the sheep and the feral pig. High parasitemias were observed in capybaras (5/24), coatis (18/115), horses (31/321) and dogs (3/112). Among these species, only the capybaras did not develop anemia. Low parasitemias, only detected by PCR, were found in buffaloes (18/43), bovines (29/331), marsupials (1/4), small rodents (14/67), bats (7/18), and one armadillo (1/8). The highest prevalence of T. evansi infection was recorded in horses (73%), although no neurological signs in infected horses were observed. Diagnosis through standard parasitological tests and IFAT should be used with caution since they may overlook comprovedly infected horses. The relationship between ranch management and T. evansi infection in horse was investigated. The importance of other transmission mechanisms apart from the tabanids and reservoir hosts are discussed.