Purpose: To evaluate the effect of n-HA/PA66 plate as a guided implant for the regeneration of the soft tissue defects in palatal region of goats.
Methods: 12 goats were divided into experimental group and control group at random. 18.0 mm x 14.0 mm soft tissue defect and 15.0 mm x 13.0 mm hard tissue defect were formed artificially in hard palate. n-HA/PA66 plates were implanted to the defect in the experimental group. The tissue regeneration in the defects was observed and the structure of regenerating tissue was analyzed by histology.
Results: The mucoperiosteal tissue in the experimental group regenerated along the n-HA/PA66 plates and the mucoperiosteal defects were closed in 6 weeks. The soft and hard tissues were not closed up in control group in 6 weeks.
Conclusion: n-HA/PA66 plates can guide the regeneration of mucoperiosteal tissue to close the palatal defects.