Portal hypertension is the result of increased hepatic resistance and portal influx.
Aim: To assess the effects of Carvedilol, a 3rd-generation nonselective beta blocker with alpha1-adrenergic activity on portal and systemic homodynamic in patients with cirrhosis and portal hypertension.
Methods: Fifty patients with cirrhosis and portal hypertension were divided into two groups and statistically compared as follows: group I - 25 patients received Carvedilol, 12.5 mg/day and group II - 25 patients received placebo for six days. All the patients had hemodynamic, endocrine and renal measurements before and after administration of Carvedilol or placebo. They underwent creatinine clearance, lithium clearance, plasma renin activity, concentration of plasma aldosteron and urinary sodium excretion. Hemodynamic effects were assessed by portal flow volume and velocity, cardiac output and medium blood pressure.
Results: Carvedilol significantly increased the portal blood flow and velocity (p<0.05). Carvedilol reduced the medium blood pressure (p<0.001) with statistically insignificant alterations in creatinine clearance and 24-hours urinary sodium excretion. Carvedilol also reduced the concentration of plasma aldosteron (p < 0.002).
Conclusions: Carvedilol can be used as an alternative drug for the prophylactic treatment of portal hypertension with careful monitoring of blood pressure regarding its hypotensive effects.