Gram-negative bacteria were isolated from knots induced by Pseudomonas savastanoi in olive trees (Olea europaea L.). A total of nine endophytic bacterial strains were isolated, each from inside a different tree knot. Biochemical characterization indicated that all the strains belong to the family Enterobacteriaceae. Phylogenetic analyses of the 16S rRNA genes of these novel isolates revealed that they formed a homogeneous cluster within Erwinia species. DNA signatures of these isolates were identical to those described for the genus Erwinia. The strains formed a homogeneous group as shown by DNA-DNA hybridization analysis and numerical analysis of phenotypic data, clearly differentiated from all species of Erwinia with validly published names. The data provide strong evidence of the differentiation of these strains from the most closely related species. Therefore, these isolates represent a novel species, for which the name Erwinia toletana sp. nov. is proposed. The isolates are available at CFBP, CECT and ATCC. The G+C content is 52+/-0.5 mol%. The type strain is CFBP 6631(T) (=A37(T)=ATCC 700880(T)=CECT 5263(T)).