This review presents typical patterns of posterior segment injuries as well as diagnostic and therapeutic considerations after ocular contusion or rupture of the globe. Vitreal prolapse is associated with retinal detachment (20%), iridodialysis or ciliary body cleft (43%), and contusion cataract (41%). Berlin's edema (35%) and retinal detachment (5-7%) are frequent after ocular contusion. In cases of central Berlin's edema, choroidal infarction (Hutchinson-Siegrist-Neubauer syndrome) or choroidal rupture, macular hole or choroidal neovascularization should be ruled out. A central choroidal rupture is often associated with choroidal neovascularization (14-20%). Globe ruptures (5% of blunt injuries) are associated with hyphema grades III and IV (58 vs 5% in ocular contusions). The prognosis of globe ruptures to develop a visual function <20/200 is 51 times more frequent than in eyes with contusion. The risk of trauma-induced globe ruptures is higher in eyes after cataract surgery (27 x) (in females 5 x).