Mycophenolat mofetil (MMF) is a new imunosuppressant without nephrotoxic adverse effects. The aim of this study was to evaluate feasibility and effect of MMF introduction in conjunction with stepwise reduction of calcineurin inhibitors (CNI) in stable liver transplant patients with chronic CNI-induced renal dysfunction (RDF). In the MMF-group (n=27) but not in the controls (n=16), mean serum level of creatinine fell from a baseline of 227.4+/-67.9 micromol/l to 159.2+/-48.2 micromol/l (P<0,001), while mean urea level declined significantly from a baseline of 18.5+/-8.7 mmol/l to 11.4+/-4.2 mmol/l 6 months after initiation of MMF. Additionally, systolic and diastolic blood pressure values improved. In 52% of patients, dose reduction (n=11) or withdrawal (n=3) of MMF was necessary due to gastrointestinal or hematologic adverse effects. But also in patients on low dose MMF, there was a significant improvement of renal function without increased immunological risk.