Nanosecond molecular dynamics using the Ewald summation method have been performed to elucidate the structural and energetic role of the closing base pair in loop-loop RNA duplexes neutralized by Mg2+ counterions in aqueous phases. Mismatches GA, CU and Watson-Crick GC base pairs have been considered for closing the loop of an RNA in complementary interaction with HIV-1 TAR. The simulations reveal that the mismatch GA base, mediated by a water molecule, leads to a complex that presents the best compromise between flexibility and energetic contributions. The mismatch CU base pair, in spite of the presence of an inserted water molecule, is too short to achieve a tight interaction at the closing-loop junction and seems to force TAR to reorganize upon binding. An energetic analysis has allowed us to quantify the strength of the interactions of the closing and the loop-loop pairs throughout the simulations. Although the water-mediated GA closing base pair presents an interaction energy similar to that found on fully geometry-optimized structure, the water-mediated CU closing base pair energy interaction reaches less than half the optimal value.