Mutations in the TGFBI (BIGH3) gene that encodes for transforming growth factor beta induced protein (TGFBIp) are the cause of several phenotypically different corneal dystrophies. While the genetics of these protein misfolding diseases are well documented, relatively little is known about this extracellular matrix protein itself. In this study, we have purified TGFBIp from normal human and porcine corneas using nondenaturing conditions and standard chromatography techniques. The two homologues were shown to be monomers, and we did not find evidence for posttranslational additions. The C-terminal of both human and porcine TGFBIp is truncated predominantly after the integrin binding sequence Arg(642)-Gly(643)-Asp(644) (RGD). However, using an antibody against the C-terminal fragment (residues 648-683), we also detected a small amount of full-length TGFBIp in corneal extracts. Approximately 60% of TGFBIp was covalently associated with insoluble components of the extracellular matrix in both human and porcine corneas through a disulfide bridge.