The aim of our study was to examine the effect of posture on inspiratory muscle activity response to hypercapnia. Recent research has revealed that in normal subjects the activation of the rib cage muscles and of the diaphragm is actually greater in the upright than in the supine position during resting tidal breathing. In this study we examined whether the upright position necessarily entails a greater activation of the inspiratory muscles also under conditions of ventilatory stress. For this purpose we compared the responses to CO2-rebreathing in the supine and sitting positions in five volunteers, by simultaneously recording the electromyogram of the diaphragm (EMGdi) and the intercostal muscles (EMGint). The electromyogram was recorded by means of surface electrodes to measure the EMG amplitude. While the slopes of ventilatory (VE) response to increasing arterial CO2 tension (PaCO2) were similar in the two positions, both the EMGdi-VE and EMGint-VE relationship showed steeper slopes in the supine than in the sitting position. In each CO2 run the increases in EMGdi were linearly related to those in EMGint. This relationship was not affected by the body position. These results suggested that, in spite of similar ventilatory responses to CO2-rebreathing in the lying and sitting positions, the supine position, in humans, required a higher activation of the inspiratory muscles.