Accurate localisation of the central sulcus enables maximum tumour resection with minimum morbidity in peri-Rolandic surgery. We investigated intraoperative somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEPs) with combined recording of lower lip and median nerve stimuli during craniotomy in nine patients with peri-Rolandic glioma. Using a custom clip electrode, the lip mucous membrane was stimulated with biphasic pulses with 0.2 ms duration, 10-14 mA intensity and a frequency of 0.7 Hz. Polarity inversion of the SSEP was detected across the central sulcus using median nerve and/or lower lip stimulation in eight of the nine patients in whom the tumour did not infiltrate the lip or hand sensory area. Recording of SSEPs with lower lip stimulation is useful if the resection margin is planned lateral to the hand representation area, if the hand representation area is not exposed by the craniotomy, or if the SSEPs for median nerve stimulation are not clear due to tumour infiltration.