CCR7 chemokine-receptor expression on tumour cells of gastric carcinoma has been associated with lymph-node metastasis and is thought to play an important role in metastasis. However, so far it is unknown whether CCR7 is newly up-regulated on gastric carcinoma or already expressed in non-neoplastic gastric epithelium. Therefore, epithelial CCR7 expression was investigated in the process of gastric carcinogenesis: non-inflamed mucosa --Helicobacter pylori gastritis -- intestinal metaplasia/dysplasia -- gastric carcinoma. CCR7 was expressed by gastric epithelium in non-inflamed gastric mucosa (n = 5), H. pylori gastritis (n = 17), intestinal metaplasia (n = 10), dysplasia (n = 3) and on tumour cells in 20 of 24 patients with gastric carcinoma (13/14 intestinal-type; 7/10 diffuse-type) as tested by immunohistochemistry. As CCR7 expression by gastric epithelium was significantly stronger in H. pylori gastritis than in non-infected mucosa, the influence of H. pylori on CCR7 receptor expression of gastric epithelial cells was investigated by fluorescence activated cell sorter analysis. H. pylori strains up-regulated the CCR7 chemokine-receptor in CCR7-positive cell lines. No difference in CCR7 up-regulation between cag(+) and cag(-)H. pylori strains was found. Epithelial CCR7 up-regulation by H. pylori may alter the metastatic fate of gastric carcinoma. Additionally, CCR7 expression not only on gastric carcinoma, but also on non-neoplastic gastric epithelium, suggests a novel biological function.