The purpose of this study was to evaluate the healing at 6 months of aortic stent-grafts custom-made by using Z stents and woven polyester in an animal model. Stent-grafts were built by a published method using autoexpandable stainless steel stents continuously compiled with polyester sutures and covered with a woven polyester membrane. Fourteen stent-grafts of 3 different designs were deployed under fluoroscopic control into the thoracic and the abdominal aorta of 7 adult sheep. At 6 months, all the implants of the sheep that survived the implantation were angiographed and harvested for macroscopy and microscopy. All stent-grafts were implanted successfully and remained patent from then to the explantation procedure. All stent-grafts implanted among the 6 of 7 (86%) animals that survived after the implantation remained patent, stayed free from local complications, and did not migrate during more than 6 months. In all these cases during this period, the implant functioned as a satisfactory aortic substitute while the aortic segment containing the graft kept a normal structure. There was no adverse effects of the presence of the implant upon the aorta or the animal. Stent-grafts home-made according to the described methods gave results at 6 months in this animal model compatible with a safe clinical application among humans.