Background: Erosion of the bony sinus walls in allergic fungal sinusitis (AFS) is an established phenomenon. Reports of the incidence of bone erosion in AFS vary widely, and definitions of bone erosion lack uniformity. Differences in bone erosion among ethnic and gender groups have not been examined previously in the literature.
Methods: At our institution we reviewed 47 cases of AFS for ethnic and gender differences in presentation and presence of bone erosion.
Results: Caucasians presented at a mean 12 years later than African-Americans (p = 0.002); however, this difference was largely carried by Caucasian females. African-Americans presented with a greater incidence of bone erosion than Caucasians (p = 0.028). In addition, there are statistically significant differences in the individual paranasal sinuses affected by bone erosion in AFS.
Conclusions: We examine the potential implications of ethnic and gender differences in presentation and bone erosion in AFS.