Information about tobacco use prevalence, knowledge and attitude was assessed among school personnel in Uttar Pradesh. A single cluster sample design with probability proportional to the enrolment in grades 8-10 was used. Statistical analysis was done using SUDAAN and the C-sample procedure in Epi-Info. The school response rate was 100%. School personnel response rate ranged from 72-80%, the proportion of men being 84-92%. Current cigarette smoking and smokeless tobacco use reported by all teachers was 21.9% and 75.6% respectively. The prevalence of daily cigarette smoking was ranged by 12.6-15.1%; bidi and other smoking 4.8-13.4%; smokeless tobacco use 16.3-19.8%. Existing school policy on four measures were reported poor however over 72% school personnel felt need for policy prohibiting tobacco use among students and school personnel. Tobacco prevention instruction by teachers did not fare much better on six different measures (4.9-30.9%). However over 2/3rd school personnel were very supportive on tobacco control issues. There was no training among school personnel on tobacco use prevention skills (3.7%). However most of the school personnel (67.1%) were curious about getting such trainings. A positive environment for tobacco use prevention needs to be created by adopting comprehensive tobacco control policies for schools. First step towards this may be training of school personnel on tobacco use prevention skill and supply of teaching materials.