We have experimentally examined the characteristics of nucleosome array formation in different regions of mouse liver chromatin, and have computationally analyzed the corresponding genomic DNA sequences. We have shown that the mouse adenosine deaminase (MADA) gene locus is packaged into an exceptionally regular nucleosome array with a shortened repeat, consistent with our computational prediction based on the DNA sequence. A survey of the mouse genome indicates that <10% of 70 kb windows possess a nucleosome-ordering signal, consisting of regular long-range oscillations in the period-10 triplet motif non-T, A/T, G (VWG), which is as strong as the signal in the MADA locus. A strong signal in the center of this locus, confirmed by in vitro chromatin assembly experiments, appears to cooperate with weaker, in-phase signals throughout the locus. In contrast, the mouse odorant receptor (MOR) locus, which lacks locus-wide signals, was representative of approximately 40% of the mouse genomic DNA surveyed. Within this locus, nucleosome arrays were similar to those of bulk chromatin. Genomic DNA sequences which were computationally similar to MADA or MOR resulted in MADA- or MOR-like nucleosome ladders experimentally. Overall, we provide evidence that computationally predictable information in the DNA sequence may affect nucleosome array formation in animal tissue.